WConio -- Windows CONsole I/O for Python

Created 2/3/2001 by Chris Gonnerman chris@gonnerman.org
based on code by Daniel Guerrero Miralles
This source code is public domain.

This module is based heavily on the TCCONIO package; the notes from the top of the source are as follows:

Old Turbo-C CONIO.H compatibility library for LCC-Win32
and GCC/EGCS Mingw32 compilers.
Version 1.0 (September 1999).
Created by Daniel Guerrero Miralles (daguer@geocities.com).
This source code is public domain.
I see no reason to add my copyright to this code.


For more information, and/or to download my other software, visit my project homepage at:



The conio.h functions of old Borland Turbo-C don't map perfectly to Python, so I have taken some liberties. Also, Daniel did not implement the window() functionality so neither have I.

Screen coordinates are based at 0, 0 (logical for Python, but counter to the tradition of conio.h).

Here is the synopsis:

WConio.error (aka _WConio.error) is thrown for exceptions special to this module.

WConio.cgets(length) gets (and echos) a string up to length characters long. VERY MINIMAL editing is allowed (basically backspace).

WConio.clreol() clears from the cursor position to the end of the line.

WConio.clrscr() clears the screen and homes the cursor.

WConio.cputs(string) prints a string starting at the current cursor position. Some control characters are handled, but unlike the traditional version '\n' doesn't drop a line in the same column, instead it acts like '\r\n'.

WConio.delline() remove a line at the current cursor position, scrolling the lower part of the frame up.

WConio.getch() retrieves a keystroke from the console, returning a tuple of (number, string) containing the numeric and character values for the key hit. getch() does not echo, and delays until a key is available. If the key hit has no character representation a null string ('') is returned. Note that special keys will arrive in two steps, either a null byte followed by a scancode or 0340 followed by a scan code for gray keys.

WConio.getche() works exactly like getch(), but if the key read is printable it is echoed.

WConio.getkey() is my contribution... it always returns a single string value, with special names for non-ascii keys. Valid keynames are listed in WConio.py, so I won't repeat them here.

WConio.gettext(left, top, right, bottom) copies characters and attributes from the screen coordinates given and returns them in a string buffer. Usually used with puttext() below.

WConio.gettextinfo() returns a tuple of display information. It mirrors the info returned by the traditional version:

- left, top, right, bottom: window coordinates
- textattr, normattr: current attributes
- videomode: current video mode
- height, width: screen size
- curx, cury: current cursor position
Some information is faked.

WConio.gotoxy(x, y) positions the cursor at the given coordinates.

WConio.highvideo() activates bold (bright) video mode.

WConio.insline() inserts a blank line at the current position, scrolling down the rest of the screen.

WConio.kbhit() returns true if a keystroke is in the buffer, false otherwise. If it returns true, getch()/getkey() won't block.

WConio.lowvideo() activates low intensity (dim) video mode.

WConio.movetext(left, top, right, bottom, x, y) moves the given text region to the new x, y position.

WConio.normvideo() activates normal intensity video mode. Fundamentally equal to lowvideo().

WConio.putch(ch) expects either a numeric or single-character string and prints it at the current position.

WConio.puttext(left, top, right, bottom, saved) puts the given saved text block on the screen at the given coordinates. The left, top, right, bottom coordinates should *probably* match the geometry of the similar coordinates used in the gettext() call.

WConio.setcursortype(n) changes the appearance of the text-mode cursor. The values for n are 0 for no cursor, 1 for normal cursor, 2 for block cursor.

WConio.settitle(s) sets the console title to the given string. The string must not have any embedded null bytes. (This is another of my contributions.)

WConio.textattr(attr) changes the text attribute (color) for new text. The data value is formatted with the foreground color in the lower nibble, and the background color in the upper. This differs from the traditional version in that blinking is not available, but high-intensity backgrounds are available. See below for the color constants.

WConio.textbackground(color) sets the background color without changing the foreground. See below for the color constants.

WConio.textcolor(color) sets the foreground color without changing the background. See below for the color constants.

WConio.textmode() resets default video mode, clears the screen, homes the cursor, and puts the cursor shape back to normal.

WConio.ungetch(ch) pushes a keystroke back into the keyboard buffer. ch may be either an integer value or one-character string. Only one byte can be pushed back this way; that means that special keys can't be pushed, since they involve a two-byte sequence.

WConio.wherex() returns the current cursor x position.

WConio.wherey() returns the current cursor y position.

WConio.File is a file-like object implementing both reading and writing to the console. This is a handy shim when used with "plumbers helper's" like NWayOutput.py and Logger.py; see my project home page to download these.

The WConio module also contains constants for colors, named in all-uppercase; review WConio.py for details.

WConio 1.5.1 source package, provided by Gabriel Genellina
WConio 1.5.1 wheel for Python 3.6, provided by Jannis Weigend
WConio 1.5.1 wheel for Python 3.5, provided by Jannis Weigend
WConio 1.5.1 auto-installer for Python 3.5; build donated by an anonymous contributor, installer by Chris Gonnerman
WConio 1.5.1 auto-installer for Python 3.3; build by Nick Faro, installer by Chris Gonnerman
WConio 1.5.1 auto-installer for Python 3.2; build by Nick Faro, installer by Chris Gonnerman
WConio 1.5.1 auto-installer for Python 3.1, provided by Gabriel Genellina
WConio 1.5.1 auto-installer for Python 3.0, provided by Gabriel Genellina
WConio 1.5.1 auto-installer for Python 2.6, provided by Gabriel Genellina
WConio 1.5 auto-installer for Python 2.7, provided by Mauricio Lange
WConio 1.5 auto-installer for Python 2.6, courtesy of Gabriel Genellina
WConio 1.5 auto-installer for Python 2.5
WConio 1.5 auto-installer for Python 2.4
WConio 1.5 auto-installer for Python 2.3
WConio 1.5 auto-installer for Python 2.2
WConio 1.5 full package for Python 2.1, with binary built by Alex Martelli
WConio 1.5 full package for Python 2.2, with binary built by Alex Martelli
WConio 1.5 auto-installer for Python 2.1
WConio 1.5 full package for Python 2.0
WConio 1.5 auto-installer for Python 2.0
WConio 1.5 full package for Python 1.52
WConio Example Script, submitted by Priyend Somaroo


Manual Installation: Place _WConio.pyd and WConio.py in a directory in your Python path.

Automatic Installation: Just download the auto-installer package and run it.

Building from Source:

The full package version for Python 2.0 includes a Distutils-based installer. Unpack the full package, then type:

python setup.py install
If you are running Python 2.0 the included binary _WConio.pyd will be installed. If you are running another version and have MSVC the _WConio.pyd will be built.

Also included is a Makefile for use with MinGW32's GCC. Just run make at the command prompt, then follow the manual installation instructions. You may need to edit the Makefile for your particular build environment.
